Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Lastest Happenings

Matt and I went to see Paramore, Dear and the Head Lights, and Jimmy Eat World on Sunday which was so much fun. It was a great show and we were within 10 feet of the stage when JEW came out to perform...AMAZING! It was my birthday present from Matt but I wanted to take him even more because it was his first time seeing them live. Seriously one of the best times!

Matt and I had a pretty uneventful weekend. He was off for two days so we got to just hang out!

We get to go see Augustana on Thursday at another Klly Lounge and then Spill Campus on the 13th. My birthday is on the 15th so I'm going to try to get some people together on Monday I think.

Nothing has really changed since the last blog entry. If anything, I'm feeling more out of it. I'm at a great place in my life but would love for some people to share in it more than they are.

I'm so tried to reconnecting other friends and then feeling like I get pushed aside. I can't take it. It's seriously crushing to me. I just have this strong sense that I'm the third wheel. Maybe I'm just insecure about some of my friendships but this is how I feel. On the other hand, maybe I'm just in a rut and am feeling extra aware of everything. I don't know. I just know that I wish I could combined some aspects of my life from a couple of years ago with some aspects of my life now.

Enough complaining. I know it's got to be annoying...haha. I'm off to enjoy the rest of the night with my lovely fiance!