Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Matt and I both hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas! We sure did! As we get ready to ring in 2009, we wish you many blessings in the New Year!

We're sad to see 2008 go! It was a great year (for the most part!) but we hope 2009 is just as good and even better to us and to the rest of you as 2008 was!

Be safe tonight and we'll see you in 2009! :]

Friday, October 17, 2008

We're Married!

We're back from the honeymoon and are all settled back into the normal routine.

We had a beautiful day in Santa Barbara celebrating with a great group of family and friends. We missed those who couldn't make it. It was a dream come true! Matt's grandparents and two cousins, Haylee and Blaire made it in and it was so nice to meet them! I also got to meet Matt's longtime friend, Andy! It was so nice to have all of our good friends (bridal party) and immediate family here to help us celebrate. Dinner was great and we had so much fun dancing with everyone! The Fess Parker DoubleTree was amazing and we just love the staff there. They made us feel like celebrities for the weekend. All of our wedding vendors were great and seemed to be more like friends than wedding vendors. All in all, we wish we could relive our big day over and over again. If you'd like to view our professional pictures click the wedding gallery to the left or visit Jessica Lewis's blog to the left and scroll down till you see us! We can't wait to see the wedding video that Gina at Lola Video puts together for us!

Matt and I stayed in Santa Barbara for the honeymoon. Our car broke down on the honeymoon which resulted in us having to get a rental car for 3 days, tow the truck to the shop, and pay for repairs....there went all the money that we were supposed to spend on activities, food, shopping, etc. while there. Turns out our radiator broke...$600 laters for the repairs we got the truck back. We went down to the beach to celebrate that day and as a huge wave hit Matt, his wedding ring came off never to be found again...believe me, we tried. We searched the shore and in the water till sunset that day and woke up early the next morning to search again. No luck. While our honeymoon wasn't completely the relaxing time that we had looked forward to, we still were able to enjoy ourselves. I think we'll have a honeymoon redo in Hawaii or something! ;]

Matt and I are going to try and write about our favorite highlights from our big day soon!

Hope everyone is doing well! ♥

Saturday, August 9, 2008

How Time Flies!

Wow - the wedding is now less than 3 weeks away! We've been planning this event for so long that it doesn't seem like it is finally around the corner! It is slowly sinking it that it's almost our time to become husband and wife!

Our family and friends start to arrive in 2 weeks! I think at that point, we'll both start to feel like this is REALLY happening. We can't wait to see all of our loved ones and to have so many of them here all at once!

Planning has been going to well. I'm honestly bored most days because I did so many of these things forever ago so I'm not like most brides who are stressing and running around at this point. The only thing that has caused Matt and I some stress is our guestlist. Our food minimum at the hotel was for 131 guests. We invited 172 and figured that we would have close to 131 RSVP as acccepts....NOT THE CASE AT ALL! At this point, we have a grand 70 people coming. Yes, that is half of what we needed to meet our food minimum so we are praying so hard that some last minute RSVPs will come in!

Matt is up for a promotion so keep him in your thoughts/prayers. He is really passionate about what he does and I think he really deserves this promotion and would do a great job at it.

Life is going well! Can't wait to see what this month has in store for us!