Monday, March 31, 2008

Friendship and Relationships

Only 5 more months until the wedding!

In other news, I'm feeling completely distant with almost every single one of my friends (not all of them, you know who you are). I'm starting to wonder if I kid myself when I think that I have [best] friends other than Matt...I always feel like my good friends have other friends that they are closer with??? I guess it kind of feels like we are both the third wheel sometimes. The kind of friends that people only come to when they need us or something or don't have anyone else to do thngs with.

Three years ago it wasn't uncommon for me to see Kell every single weekend. Same with Jamie too. Kellie would come over to do nothing. Back then we didn't care about having something to do. One time Kellie came over and we were perfectly entertained by going and getting apple pie, goofing around, and watching a movie. She used to call me to run errands just so we could have some time to hang out. I was kidding with Matt and Sara a couple of weeks ago that Sara was basically my "date" for a good year or so before Matt moved out too. It seems like I go through phases of being close with one friend and then close to another. I want t be close with a variety of people at ONCE.

Matt and I thought that by now, we'd all be hanging out on a regular basis and that we'd all be equally as good of friends if that makes any sense. It seems that won't ever happen, although there are moments that tend to capture how we thought life would be like Santa Barbara trips and our big get togethers when Ren comes into town. Those are often the highlights of my year! That and when peole come over for holidays. I used to love the 4th of July celebrations we had - one year with the friends here and another year with my friends and family at Grammie's. I hope we have time to enjoy our friends being here for the wedding and that we all get to enjoy ourselves...have group time...girl time....and guy time! :]

If I didn't have Matt, I'd be a complete LONER! Haha

I know I should be thankful that I found such a true love, and I am, but it would be nice to have friends around that we were close with again like how things used to be. I miss having girl time too with some of the girls.

What changed? Why did it change? This isn't all part of "growing up" is it?
